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AA First Project_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft
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_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft Description Declare a condition that should be true. Throw an error if the test breaks for an unexpected reason. End in failure if the assertion proves false. Attributes List of assert() Attributes assert() for Datab
_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft Description Asserts that a log file contains or matches some text. Attributes List of assert-log() operation attributes _assert_log Go to top Individual assert-log() Attributes assertion-mode: How do you want to comp
_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft Description Perform assertions about one or more log files, or one or more log file excerpts. Attributes List of assert-logs() Attributes _assert_logs Individual assert-logs() Attributes expected-log: An object. An
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CCI Server Configuration_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft
_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft Description The CLI, or Command Line Interface provided by ETLUnit is a custom interface based on a shell called ClamShell. From your chosen command shell, navigate to the bin/ folder of your project, then type "etl
Configuration Guide
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Configure for Informatica
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DData Sets_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft What are data sets? Data sets contain data to be used in an ETLUnit test. They are like data files, in that they contain data, but there are some differences. A data file and a data set each live in a text file in t
Database Schemas
_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft
_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft Description Causes an error to be thrown from the test method. Examples If not caught, you will see ERR_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION in the ETLUnit Command Line Interface. @Test forceError(){ log( message: 'This test is goin
Eerror_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft Description Force an error to be thrown from a test method. For debug purposes. Attributes List of error() Attributes _error Individual error() Attributes message: The message to throw with the error. This message m
ETL Agent Configuration
_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft
ETLUnit 101
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ETLUnit Documentation Home
_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft _ETLUnit_Documentation SEE ALSO the documentation at ETLUnit Home Search this documentation Popular Topics Featured Pages Recently Updated Pages
ETLUnit Open Source Project
_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft What is ETLUnit? ETLUnit is the operational software generated by the Bitbucket-hosted etlunit open-source https://bitbucket.org/bradleysmithllc/etl-unit/wiki/Home project. This project is generally written in Java,
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Description Execute one or more processes. Most likely, these will be the processes being tested. Attributes List of execute() Attributes execute() for Database _execute_for_database Go to top execute() for Informatica _execute_for_informatica Go to top
Ffail_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft Description Force a failure in an ETLUnit test. Useful for debugging. Attributes List of fail() Attributes _fail Individual fail() Attributes message: The message to send with the failure. This message will appear i
_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft Commonly Asked Questions 1) Create a text database file with one column. For the sake of example, let's say it has ten rows. That means it looks like this: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2) Change its line endings to UNIX
FML File Search Decision Tree
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FML File Usage Examples
_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft
FML Files
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IInformatica Project Configuration_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft
Install ETLUnit for Existing ETLUnit Project
_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft _Install_ETLUnit_for_Existing_Project
Installation Guide
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LLabels Indexlog _VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft Description Send a message to one or more logs. The message will show up in the test method's log. If a log file name is specified on the log operation, a log file by that name will be created and the message will ap
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OOperations_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft
PPage IndexProject Folder Structure _VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft _Project_Folder_Structure Go to top http://etlunit.atlassian.net#top
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RReferences_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft
_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft Description Register a file included in your project so that ETLUnit may use it as a source-file in an assert operation. Typically, a source-file property is used in the assert operation after running an Informatica
SSchema Changes Configuration_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft
_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft Description Set a variable to the provided value. The variable will be resolved based on the context of the test. When testing Informatica workflows, for instance, the variable may refer to a variable name in the wor
Software Requirements for Working in ETLUnit
_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft _ETLUnit_System_Rqts
_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft Description Set up test environment by putting data into tables or files required by the ETL test. Attributes List of stage() Attributes stage() for Database _DatabaseFeatureModule_stage-data Go to top stage() for Fi
Starting a New ETLUnit Project
_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft From Archetype Prerequisites Maven should be installed on your computer. SEE Software Requirements for Working in ETLUnit. Generate ETLUnit Project from Archetype Types of Projects of Interest Schema project ETLUnit
System Requirements for Working in ETLUnit
_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft _ETLUnit_System_Rqts
Ttag Command_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft Description SEE ETLUnit author's Tags https://etlunit.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ETLUNIT/Tags page. A tag is a group of named execution sets created by ETLUnit after a test run. The execution sets may be run again l
Technical Notes
_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft
test Command
_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft Description Run one or more ETLUnit tests. Much of what is presented here is laid out much more succinctly on the Test Specification Reference https://etlunit.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ETLUNIT/Test+Specification+Ref
The Test Class
_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft Creating a New Test Class How to Create a Test Class Create an ETLUnit test class with any ASCII compatible text editor. Test Class File Naming The name of the file containing the test class should end with the exten
_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft Description Removes all data from a database table. Attributes _truncate Examples Prerequisites etlunit-core dependency in POM. etlunit-database dependency in POM. This dependency may be secondary. For instance, if
_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft
UUser Guide_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft What is ETLUnit? ETLUnit is open source, unit testing software for ETL ("Extract, Transform and Load") related applications. At this writing it may be used to write tests for a number of databases and platforms: Inf
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Wwait_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft Description Wait for a specified period of time. Attributes _wait Examples Prerequisites etlunit-core dependency in POM. <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.bitbucket.bradleysmithllc.etlunit</groupId> <artifac
_VersionLabel_Current _This_Is_a_Draft Description Force a warning to be thrown from an ETLUnit test. The warning will show up in the CLI (Command Line Interface) as a 'W' result. The warning ID may show up in the report summary next to the method name. A
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