The point of this is to document research around refactoring the informatica integration around eliminating redundancy of shared objects, like sources, targets and mappings.
Listing all objects:
pmrep>listobjects The option -o is required. Usage: listobjects -o <object_type> [-t <object_subtype>] [-f <folder_name>] [-c <column_separator>] [-r <end-of-record_indicator>] [-l <end-of-listing_indicator>] [-b (verbose)] [-s < dbd_seperator>] Failed to execute listobjects. pmrep>
Some object types I tried: source, target, mapping, mapplet, session, workflow, transformation, “User Defined Function”, task, Deploymentgroup, label, folder, query, scheduler, sessionconfig, worklet.
Running normally just gives a list of objects:
pmrep>listobjects -o source -f __31343730353235323839333237_6_SHARED_EDW source FlatFile.FF_INT_CONVERSION_TEST .listobjects completed successfully. pmrep>
From which you can get a list of objects. If you need to know which are shortcuts, you can add -b:
pmrep>listobjects -o source -f __31343730353235323839333237_6_SHARED_EDW -b source FlatFile.FF_INT_CONVERSION_TEST 1 source FlatFile.sc_FF_INT_CONVERSION_TEST 1 shortcut .listobjects completed successfully. pmrep>
It appears to add two columns: version number and the word shortcut if it is a shortcut.
Exporting objects is done with the exportobject command:
pmrep>objectexport The option -u is required. Usage: objectexport {{-n <object_name> -o <object_type> [-t <object_subtype>] [-v <version_number>] [-f <folder_name>]} | -i <persistent_input_file>} [-m (export pk-fk dependency)] [-s (export objects referred by shortcut)] [-b (export non-reusable dependents)] [-r (export reusable dependents)] -u <xml_output_file_name> [-l <log_file_name>] [-e < dbd_seperator>] Failed to execute objectexport. pmrep>
Generally, we should not use any of the -m, -s, -b or -r flags, since we want each object in it's own atomic container - and those flags seem to be off by default.
pmrep>objectexport -o source -f __31343730353235323839333237_6_SHARED_EDW -u c:\xml_out.xml -o source -n FlatFile.sc_FF_INT_CONVERSION_TEST 12/18/2013 19:34:21 Analyzing Object Dependencies... Exporting selected objects in repository REP_SVC_CI ... Exporting selected objects in folder __31343730353235323839333237_6_SHARED_EDW . .. Fetching Source Defination [sc_FF_INT_CONVERSION_TEST] ... Exporting Source Defination [sc_FF_INT_CONVERSION_TEST] ... Export is completed. Exported 1 object(s) - 0 Error(s), - 0 Warning(s) objectexport completed successfully. pmrep>
Note that for a source, the source 'dbname' prefix is required (in this case, FlatFile).