What happens here is that the source file type, 'T', is narrowed with the column list - specifically in this case the ID field is excluded, then the source data is extracted. The target file type, 'M', is narrowed to match the source, then the target file is opened using that definition. Any columns that don't match were silently ignored. The result is that the local target file must exactly match the final definition of the target, not the original.
This entire process has changed in 3.2.0 - the target file must match the target reference file type exactly. This same operation in 3.2.0 is processed like this:
- Open the target file type.
- Process the column list on the target file type. This is the file type which drives the entire operation.
- Verify that the reference file type (the type created in (2)) is exactly a subset of the source file type. If it isn't, an error is thrown.
- Compare both the source and the target using the reference file type from (2).
File Assertions