Include Page |
| _This_Is_a_Draft |
| _This_Is_a_Draft |
The CLI, or Command Line Interface provided by ETLUnit is a custom interface based on a shell called ClamShell.
From your chosen command shell, navigate to the bin/
folder of your project, then type "etlunit
." The ETLUnit-supplied CLI will be invoked.
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| Code Block |
| userme@LO-PPBBKK55 /c/src/bi-legacy-qpt/bin (master)
$ etlunit
Project is out of date
Updating meta data . . .
Caching local copy . . .
.d8888b. 888 .d8888b. 888 888 888
d88P Y88b 888 d88P Y88b 888 888 888
888 888 888 Y88b. 888 888 888
888 888 8888b. 88888b.d88b. :Y888b. 88888b. .d88b. 888 888
888 888 :88b 888 :888 :88b :Y88b. 888 :88b d8P Y8b 888 888
888 888 888 .d888888 888 888 888 :888 888 888 88888888 888 888
Y88b d88P 888 888 888 888 888 888 Y88b d88P 888 888 Y8b. 888 888
:Y8888P: 888 :Y888888 888 888 888 :Y8888P: 888 888 :Y8888 888 888
Command-Line Interpreter
Java version: 1.7.0_21
Java Home: c:\Java\jdk1.7.0_21-x64\jre
OS: Windows 7, Version: 6.1
userme > |
This is the interface provided for running ETLUnit tests. Some configuration for the test environment may also be done using one of the available custom commands. For instance, the profile
command will allow you to instantly change the environment for running your test - the number of threads running, what features are installed etc. (TODO: Complete this link: SEE ETLUnit Test Profiles.)
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The 'Test' Command
The test
command will cause one or more ETLUnit tests to be run. Usually whole test methods are run. There is an option to run a certain operation only within a test method.
Core syntax:
Where test is the command and myTest is the test to run
Where te is the command and myTest is the test to run.
More Test Command Syntax
For more on test syntax, see CLI.
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List of All Commands
List of Commands Provided by help
You can see a list of available commands by using the help
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| Code Block |
| mbruton > help
Available Commands
exit Exits ClamShell.
help Displays help information for available commands.
sysinfo Displays current JVM runtime information.
sleep Sleeps for the specified number of seconds
time Prints current date/time
list-installed-features Lists all installed features
lif Synonym for list-installed-features
list-available-features Lists all available features
laf Synonym for list-available-features
describe Displays meta information about a feature and / or operations
test Runs tests
te Synonym for test
set Displays or sets options for system or for a feature
s Synonym for set
update Updates external binaries
add-feature Adds a known feature to the project (listed in list-available-features)
report Opens the test report for the last run
r Synonym for report
reports Opens the test report for the last run
rs Synonym for reports
migrate Migrates data files from one fml to another
versions Prints the version info of all installed bitbucket modules
open Opens the project directory in a file window
o Synonym for open
profile Changes to a specific profile or colon-separated list of profiles. Similar to u
aven profile). Leave profile name blank to switch to the default.
p Synonym for profile
list-reference-types Lists all reference type catalogs
lrt Synonym for list-reference-types
tag Sets the name of the tag to be used for the history for the next run only
ta Synonym for tag
verify-reference-types Verifies all reference type catalogs
vrt Synonym for verify-reference-types
mbruton > |
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Command Usage
Command | Alias | | Usage | Description |
add-feature | | | Usage:
add-feature <name>
add-feature mysql-database
add-feature log-assertion
| Adds a known feature to the project (listed in list-available-features). <name> required.
describe | | | Usage:
describe <feature-name>
describe <feature-name> [<operation>]
describe informatica
describe database assert
| Displays meta information about a feature and/or operations. <feature-name> required.
<operation> optional.
exit | | | Usage:
| Exits ClamShell. |
help | | | Usage:
help [<command_name>]
help describe
| Displays help information for available commands. <command_name> optional.
list-available-features | laf | | Usage:
| Lists all available features. COMPARE etlunit.json in your project, the install-features list, with list of etlunit features among the POM dependencies. |
list-installed-features | lif | | Usage:
| Lists all installed features. SEE etlunit.json in your project. |
list-reference-types | lrt | | Usage:
| Lists all reference type catalogs. Presents a menu for drill-down. |
migrate | | | Usage:
migrate [<namePattern>]
| Migrates data files from one FML to another. <namePattern> optional. Regular expression of the data set(s) to match.
May not be fully implemented. |
open | o | | Usage:
open [<path>]
open c:\JavaApps
open /etc
| Opens a directory in a file window. If no argument, opens the project root directory. If <path> is supplied, opens that folder. <path> optional. The path should be absolute (begin with root folder).
profile | p | | Usage:
profile [<name>]
profile [<name1>:<name2>]
profile [<name>[:...]]
profile -l
p [<name>]
p [<name1>:<name2>]
p [<name>[:...]]
p -l
-l List current profiles
profile threads
profile threads:java:simulate
| - Use
-l option to list current profile(s) without changing to default <name> is optional. If more than one, separate with colons.- When a name is provided, changes to that profile.
- When colon-separated list is provided, specified profiles are used.
- To switch back to default:
- Leave profile name blank to switch to the default.
- Provide reserved name "default" to switch back to the default profile.
report | r | | Usage:
| Opens the test report for the last run. |
reports | rs | | Usage:
| Provides list of test reports to choose from. |
set | s | | Usage:
set [database|etlunit|file|informatica|workspace]
set database
set etlunit
set file
set informatica
set workspace
s database
s etlunit
s file
s informatica
s workspace
| Displays or sets options for system or for a feature. Invokes a menu. |
sleep | | | Usage:
sleep <time>
sleep 5
| Sleeps for the specified number of seconds. |
sysinfo | | | Usage:
sysinfo (options)
sysinfo -cp -mem
| Displays current JVM runtime information. Options may be combined. |
tag | ta | | Usage:
tag (tagName)
tag t1
| Sets the recallable tag name to be attached to the next run only. |
test | te | | SEE Test Specification Reference SEE CLI Example:
test %testPackage
test @testClass
test #testMethod
test $testOperation
test %testPackage@testClass#testMethod$testOperation
test @|testClass
test %testPackage|
test #|testMethod|
test <tag1>
test <tag1,error>
test [aud]
test [aud,edw]
test {source: 'VW_STORE_HLDY_COMP_GM'}
test {source: 'DAILY_AGG_HLDY',target-schema:'agg'}
te {source:'ID_REF_MINIMAL_EDW1'} or {source-file:'test_file_abc.txt'}
te (@columns_ii| or @sql_iv) or @register_ii|
| Runs ETLUnit custom tests. |
time | | | Usage:
| Prints current date/time. |
update | | | Usage:
| Updates external binaries. |
| vrt | | Usage:
| Verifies all reference type catalogs. |
| | | Usage:
| Prints the version information of all installed Bitbucket modules. |
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